To get started, upload or paste your JSON.
Embed all the functionality of csvjson in any web application with Flatfile. Auto-match columns, validate data fields, and provide an intuitive CSV import experience.
with encoding and decoding functions. These are:
Bug fix: Detect duplicate column headers and make them unique. GitHub issue #71.
Refactored and published npm package csv2json. Fix for GitHub issue #70.
Improvement: Removed 64k limit on download button. Also fixed issue #68 'Cannot work functional with special letters'.
Improvement: Added option to parse JSON values.
Improvement: Added option to minify or compact JSON. GitHub issue #21
Improvement: Added option to parse number values or not to retain original number formatting. GitHub issue #13
Fixed bug : If no text is present in a csv field, it was assigned 0 (zero) by default.
Bug fix: strings containing quotes and commas were prematurely cut.
Bug fix: drop quotes on keys of nested objects.
Improvement: Added options to transpose and output object instead of array.
Bug fix: Pasting Excel data into Textarea would cause an upload.
Initial release.
Adjustable width for inling short arrays. Fix for issue #76.
Refactored and published npm package json_beautifier.
Improvement: Removed 64k limit on download button.
Improvement: Added option to minify or compact JSON. GitHub issue #21
Improvement: Abimbola Idowu added single quote option. GitHub issue #23
Bug fix: Inline short arrays bug fix and improvement. Added nesting depth option. GitHub issue #12
Bug fix: Inline short arrays was not working properly. GitHub issue #9
Bug fix: drop quotes on keys of nested objects.
Bug fix: proper support of commas inside quotes.
Initial release.